While I was reading I found a part that was very sad for me. While The Giver was giving Jonas the memory of Christmas they start to talk about love. "And that it's much better to be organized the way we are now. I can see that it was a dangerous way to live." (Lowry, 126). While I was reading this many thoughts came into my mind and then I started to analize something. Why they say love can be dangerous, I know that sometimes can make things wrong but it is right to have it. Another time we can see that the government choses for them, they don't have the right of choosing. But now I realized that they not only have no real love, they don't have any real feeling they don't know them. The only real feeling in that community is fear they are govern by fear. The author tries to tell us that a society without the personal choice is not happy and it is good for everyone even if that people in there think that.
To finish this week blog I have some predictions. We will dicovered what will realase mean the author can't hide us what it means the hole novel. Then Jonas will tried to tell his family and everyone about memories and colors. Gabe will be assign to a new family or been realese. Who knows check back a new blog after while.
Your blog is very interesting, the picture call the attention of the reader and at a first look make us read it. Now with your thoughts and connections, well love in real world it can be dangerous. When we fell real love then if something bad happens like you lose the person you love it can hurt you very much. So I think they’re trying to prevent that, but I never thought that it is right to do this but is the way the community works. Now with fear, yes they fell this fear to the chief elder and to the failing of their lives. Remember that they want to have a successful and honorable life so that’s why they do everything as they are ordered to. Your prediction make sense and I thought the same in some part, I had other ones too like; I thought that baby Gabe is not going to be as the other people in the community, he is going to try to make things different in there when he grow up and Jonas is going to help him.
ReplyDeleteCoque, I liked it when you say that love sometimes can makes us do bad things, but this help us to reconigze the difference between good and bad actions, so its good to have it. I also think that the author is trying to make us realize the great privilege of being able to choose in your own live means, even in the smallest thing like what do I wear today, to the big decisions like is this the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?. So, Lois Lowry is trying to make us analyze and meditate the enormous favor, life that God has giving us to have freedom of choice. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteJose Andres I agree with you in the part you say that theres not real love in Jonas society and that was one of the things that caught my attention while reading the book.