As I told my dear readers I am reading The Giver and I will told a summary of what I have read from chapter 1 to 4 if you are reading it and don´t want that I ruined the novel for you don´t read it contains spoilers. The novel starts presenting Jonas the main character of the story. An airplane fly over the city and the speakers said to go inside a building immediately. After a while they said to go out of the buildings and that it´s everything fine that the pilot misunderstood his manual and that he is going to be released. Jonas is worried about December and he doesn't know what his feelings are. He went to school and his best friend Asher came late to school and everyone accepted his apology. On the night all the families have a ritual of sharing the feelings and Jonas share his feelings to his family unit that he is apprehensive. He has a discussion with his family telling him that he does not need to be worried about the ceremony of twelve was going to be okay. The next day he went to play with his friend Asher, they were throwing an apple playing but Jonas saw something changing on the apple, the apple change. He took the apple to his house to examinate it and the speakers said at loud to not take it, because everything that was part of the playground was forbidden. The next day he went to do his volunteer hours to the house of the old. He met there a friend of her age called Fiona, I think he is in love with her. Jonas went to wash Larrisa and they talk about many things but they mainly talk about the realese of Roberto.
While I was redading I found a quote that like me that was on pg. 17 "The Elders know Asher," his mother said. "They'll find the exactly the right Assigment for him, (Lowry 17). I think why the Elders known what is the correct job for someone they don't know correctly or perfectly the people of the community. They could be wrong becuase with some volunteer hours how they will exactly find a perfect job for everyone. What if they are like Jonas that don't have or know what they will want to work on. Why they don't let them choose the work they want to have becuase is your choice, is your life why they need to tell what to do with it.
That was a summary of what I have read and a quote that impact me. But talking further more I have two predictions. The first one is that on the ceremony of twelve he is going to be assign a job that he won't like and he will try to change of it, maybe on the nuturing center he will work there. He will fall in love with fiona as well as Asher and they are going to fight for her and may be released.

This is an apple but it shows indiduality becuase Jonas is different but the other ones are normal, follow every time all the things and do not express them selves and also I put this picture because it shows how individulality is represented.